Who doesn’t want a healthier brain — one that’s quick, focused, and never forgets where you left your car keys?
“Brain boosters”, supplements that enhance cognitive performance of an individual, have rapidly increased in popularity and use. They work by increasing memory, creativity, motivation, and attention via multiple underlying brain processes and related psychological constructs.
One of the peculiarities regarding these supplements is that one of the standard ingredients in each of these products is caffeine. Although its use goes back centuries, the caffeine supplement landscape has changing drastically. As the placebo-controlled study presented will thoroughly illustrate, many concerns are raised in regards to caffeine and safer alternatives are increasingly being searched.
For this reason, Enovate Biolife studied one of their main products: EnXtra®, a natural ingredient from the turmeric ginger family.
In May 2020, the JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF NUTRITION published a new, randomized, placebo-controlled study, aimed to assess the long-term safety and perceivable mental acuity benefits of EnXtra®, in healthy individuals. The study was conducted with the aim of establishing the cardiac safety of EnXtra® with regards to its long-term consumption with an emphasis on progressive tolerance and development of habituation ordinarily associated with extended product use.
The findings demonstrated the psychostimulant efficacy of EnXtra® with no safety concerns on long-term usage. Within the significant results, we find: a consistent increase in alertness and calmness scores by almost 100%; strong long term cardiac safety; and no caffeine “crash effect”.
Please, see attached the complete study regarding EnXtra®.

Sochim International s.r.l. is a proud partner of Enovate Biolife and distributor of: EnXtra® & RedNite® for Italy and Eastern Europe; and Oxyjun® for Eastern Europe.
Please, feel free to contact sochim@sochim.it for further information.